Father Chuck: Rocco Charles Martini was born the only male of 8 children and 19 grandchildren. At the age of 3, his dying grandfather forced his parents to promise that little Rocco become a priest. So, at age 5 he was whisked away to an exclusive Catholic military school for gifted boys. He saw little of his family until he was ordained, however as a teen he had a long-term relationship with the girl next, Rose Buckner, whom he saw each Christmas vacation. Knowing the relationship was doomed, he lost himself in old movies and syndicated television shows...especially game shows...and dedicated himself to the priesthood. He became pastor of St. Dymphna's parish in 1996, and continued his obsessive television habit. He fantasized about being a game show host and tried in vain to improve the Bingo funds at the parish. Sadly, competition with a popular neighboring parish and its high-tech Bingo game finally shut St. Dymphna's doors in 1998. It was at this time that Father Chuck decided to take the show on the road. Besides getting St. Dymphna's back, he hopes to eliminate the sins of the world by playing Bingo.
Sister Cherisse: Cherisse Tammy Mahoney spent most of her life on the road, as her entire family were carnival operators and engineers. By age 15, Cherisse was adept at construction, demolition, and general mechanical repair. Still, she often dreamt of running away. The dishonesty of the carnival games depressed her, and she disliked being referred to as a "carney". Not even her boyfriend, Dusty Flanagan, who ran The Scrambler, could keep her spirits up. Finally, at age 28, after being forced to manage The Fantastic Fish Flop, a game that was impossible to win, Cherisse escaped under cover of darkness, with only her night's wages and the clothes on her back. By freight train she rode into Chicago, and after meeting Sister Bernie on a bus, she gladly accepted her offer of a real house to live in and joined Sister Bernie's order, The Third Order of the Lowly Sisters of Perpetual Mercy. Cherisse is content with the stability of religious life, and lives in fear of running into someone from the carnival. She assures you that Bingo is an honest game.
Sister Bernie: Born Roberta Bernadette Wajekenowsinetski on the south side of Chicago. Sister Roberta suffers from anger management issues brought on by accidental abandonment by her parents at the age of 9. She was reunited with her family due to the kind diligence of a nun at her school - an experience she never forgot. Joining the convent at age 18, however, did not cure her repressed rage. In fact, in 1997, she was asked to leave her order in spite of many years of anger management classes. She then joined St. Dymphna's, where she befriended Father Charles Martini, and together they tried in vain to cure the fundraising ills of their little parish. She eagerly accepted the role in Sister Bernie's Bingo Bash as "Audience Disciplinarian". She asks that you play Bingo with an honest heart...or else!