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The birth of a show...


In December 2002, Crossroads Theatre (Naperville, IL.) was hosting a run of Late Nite Catechism. For their New Year’s Eve show, the theatre needed after-show entertainment that complemented Late Nite Catechism and a show that could last from the time Late Nite ended until the midnight champagne toast. Sister Bernie's Bingo Bash started out as an improvised bingo night run by the clergy. It was called It's Bernie's Bash! Unfortunately, the improvised show was too long, had no structure and the characters weren't flushed out. Over the next few months, after loads of brainstorming and a flurry of writing sessions, Sister Bernie's Bingo Bash was developed. The Bingo Bash has performed as a fundraiser at many churches, schools, corporate events and work holiday's been to Chicago, New York, on a cruise ship and now makes a permanent home in Los Angeles!! 

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